HE Space Operations On Board
by SpaceBoard
May 17, 2016


In a significant development this spring, HE Space Operations, a major player in the European space sector, has extended a hand to SpaceBoard, providing us with valuable support and expertise. 

HE Space Operations is a thriving privately owned company specialised in personnel recruitment and services exclusively for space agencies and the space industry. An international company, with offices in the Netherlands (Noordwijk), Germany (Bremen, Darmstadt) and the USA (Houston), it is a significant manpower supplier to European space programmes bringing together more than 180 professionals from Europe and beyond with 30 nationalities. In 2014, HE Space won the German Corporate Social Responsibility Award for Gender Diversity.

We heartily welcome HE Space on board and look forward to a fruitful collaboration.

Learn more about SpaceBoard here.

For more information, please contact us.

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